Sunday, January 13, 2008

I'm trying to shrink my feet.

I don't mean I'm actually trying to shrink my feet, like this:

I mean it in a more representative sense. I'm trying to shrink my carbon footprint. Unlike Al Gore, I don't have a couple million dollars to make my mansion more green. For that matter, I don't even have a mansion. However, we are trying to make some smaller changes that we hope will have a big impact over time.

  • Since this fall, we've been trying to carpool to work as much as possible. It was a little difficult when I was working in Nevada, but we still tried to carpool 3 or 4 days a week, with me dropping Aaron off on my way. Now, carpooling is super easy!! We work the same hours at the same place, so we're able to carpool 99% of the time!!
  • We have a programmable thermostat and keep the house fairly chilly in the winter and warm in the summer. (This one has as much to do with us being cheap as it does lowering energy use!!)
  • We now have 3 canvas grocery bags, which fit about 3x as much as plastic grocery bags, so we rarely need to use plastic bags. We're still getting funny looks from people at a few stores, but we're used to that :-D
  • I'm constantly trying to figure out ways to save paper at work. I've come up with several ways to reduce the amount of paper needed for certain projects by at least half.
  • We've switched all of our lightbulbs at home over to compact fluorescent bulbs.

I know there's probably a lot more we could be doing, but this what we've managed to do so far. We're hoping to get a hybrid car someday in the future...a girl can dream at least!!

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