Saturday, July 07, 2007

Get It Together

We did a lot of work outside today, so the boys also spent a lot of time outside. It was pretty hot for a dog today though, so we were trying to make sure that we were keeping them plenty cool. The technique that made our dogs look dorkiest was taking bandanas, soaking them in water and then freezing them before we tied them on. (I think I heard this idea on Regis and Kelly a few weeks ago...) They weren't so keen to the idea of the bandanas at first, but once they realized that they were cool and refreshing, they LOVED their bandanas. See below:

It was definitely an exciting day for the boys though, because Nick decided that it was bedtime at about 9:30 and just let himself into his kennel. As you can see, the door to his kennel is wide open, but he's been laying in there sleeping for almost an hour now. He did manage to lift his head up and look around when we took this picture though, but not for long, because he's fast asleep and snoring again already.

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