Thursday, August 24, 2006

The countdown has officially begun

I'm a big dork. There's no point in pretending that I'm not. So when Aaron and I first got engaged, I would occasionally spout off the number of days until we were married. It was right around a year at the time, so it was easy to figure out. But after a week or two into November, it wasn't so easy anymore. I would still occasionally see the number on, which keeps a count for me, but it was very sporadic that I would know the number of days.

Today, there are 65 days left. I can tell you that without even really thinking about it. I have been able to do this for about a week or so, therefore I feel confident saying that the countdown has officially begun!!

That's both exciting and scary for me. It means we're getting really close and only 65 days from now I will be married to the man I love. (YAY!!) It also means that only 65 days from now I have to have everything done!! Luckily, the last week or so has been very productive and Aaron has been amazing with all of the help he's given. I have realized that I can't do everything myself and have started asking for help, from my parents, Aaron's parents and friends.

I think at this time I should make it publicly known that Amanda is the bridesmaid of the month. She is making the trip down to Des Moines that I don't have time for to get more of my wonderful paper. Thanks Amanda!! I'm still working on an official ribbon... Missy is helping me figure out how to do my hair, because my hair and I have a hate-hate sort of relationship. And she told me last night that she got me a present. Bethany is still trying to give me the shower and bachelorette party that I want, even though she just started her first job as a college grad and moved to a suburb of Chicago. And I know that my new sister-in-law is just a phone call away when I need her help, which I'm sure is coming very soon. I'm so glad that I'm not like the brides from "Bridezilla" who complain constantly about their bridesmaids or who have bridesmaids that alter the dress, because they don't think it's pretty enough, etc...

Hooray for only 65 more days!!

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

My first day of classes

I have arranged to have a Tuesday/Thursday class schedule this semester so that I can work 3 days a week and so that I can have a 4-day weekend for our wedding (Yay!! Only 67 days to go...) so today was my first day of class. Because the classes only meet 2 days a week, they meet for 1.5-2 hours instead of just 1 hour. Not today though. I haven't had a class last more than a half hour. So I've been left wandering around campus for an hour or more in between each class.

I spent some of that time yelling at the Parking Division. They lost my application for a parking permit, which I needed because I don't live in Ames. Yesterday I was told that some permits were put aside for work appeals, so I could turn in one of those and get a permit. So I go in today to do that, and I'm told that I'll have to be put on a waiting list and it could be anywhere between 2 and 6 weeks until I get a permit. 6 weeks?!? What's the point in that?? The semester's more than a third over at that point. I was most frustrated by the fact that I talked to 3 different people and got three different stories.

I also am ready to drop one of my classes already. The professor has the attitude that she's better than an introductory level course and we should all just be glad she's willing to teach it. I'm looking for a non-stress semester and she just doesn't seem to fit into the plan. If I drop this course, then I only have to be om campus from 11-5 on T/R. I might take an Economics course online instead. Then next semester I could take a Marketing class, which I think would be really interesting. We'll see how everything pans out...

Monday, August 21, 2006


So we downgraded our cable tonight and got Netflix instead. We had a couple hundred channels, but hardly watched anything beyond the normal cable channels. We're trying to create our "Queue" on Netflix. Anyone have any "must-see" movies we should add??

Fungi on the lawn

We have had the weirdest mushroom like things growing in our front yard. They appear out of nowhere, grow at superspeeds and then fall apart and die just as quickly as they come.

This is day 1. They were not there the night before.

This is day 2. By day 3 they had broken into pieces.

We've probably had about 20 of these grow in our yard in the last month or so. I am fascinated by them and freaked out at the same time.

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Snakes on a Plane!!

So the other night, we got a message from my brother's phone number. It was Samuel L. Jackson, promoting his new movie. See, you can go to the website ( and send a personalized voice message to someone. (Ours said that we should stop spending all of our free time obsessing over our pets...) So ever since then, Aaron has been obsessed with it and the way that Samuel says it. "I'm talking about SNAKES ON A PLANE!!" I highly recommend that everyone go to the website. You can hear the messages without actually sending them to someone and it's hilarious!! I still have no desire to see the movie though...

Saturday, August 05, 2006

I want a cleaning lady (person)

I'm not talking about someone who comes in a couple times a week, once a week, or even every other week. At most, I want someone to come in once a month and dust, mop the floors, clean the bathroom....all the things we never have/make time for because we're too busy.

I'm allergic to our 2 wonderful cats (they came with the fiance) and often when I clean, I end up getting sick because of all the extra cat hair/dander in the hair. So as a result, I never want to clean anymore because who wants to get sick??

However, I realize it may be impractical to think that we would get a cleaning lady, so I came up with an alternative. If we could get a professional organizer in here (much cheaper I'm sure :-D) and give all of our junk a home, either the trash or some shelf space, then our house would be so pretty that we'd be more motivated to keep it clean.

So...does anyone know an affordable cleaning person or professional organizer??