Friday, May 12, 2006

He's the "Medium Dog" not the "Little Dog"

I'm not ashamed to admit, Aaron and I quite often verbalize for our dogs. As they're playing or fighting or when they're laying around exhausted, we might say something like "Oh geez guy!! Did you see that?!? Phrow the ball again!! Phrow it again!!" (For some reason our dogs can't say throw, they always say phrow!!)

Well, the other day, Steve said something like "Hey! Hey! Little dog!! You should not bite my face anymore!!" At that point, we had a conversation with Steve about how maybe it would be nicer if he would refer to his brother as "Medium dog" because he's not very litle anymore and we don't want him to get a size complex. Well, Steve, being the teenager that he is, thought this was absolutely ridiculous, so as Aaron was putting the dogs outside last night, he tried explaining it to Steve again.

"Come here medium dog...don't pee on the floor!!" *medium dog goes outside* Then, to Steve, "Now Steve, it's like McDonald's. They don't have a small. Medium is small, large is medium, and super-size is large. So by calling him 'medium' it's just the Americanized egocentric way of calling him 'small.' You can be 'Super-Size dog' if you want to."

To which Steve replied, "No guy, I'm just big dog."

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