Wednesday, November 19, 2008

I'm Scrooge.

Aaron L-O-V-E-S Christmas. He loves the music and the decorations and he starts thinking of ideas for gifts in September. A few years ago, we wrapped all the presents in plain brown paper, and then used markers, glitter glue, googly eyes and more to personally decorate each package. My designs were fairly simple, while Aarons spend many, many, many hours on his packages. This year, Aaron was listening to streaming Christmas music on his computer as soon as it became available. A local radio station started playing Christmas music on November 14 at 4 pm and on our way home from work at 5, we were listening to it and have been ever since. He asked if we could start decorating a couple weeks ago. The first time we heard Chrismas music playing in a store, he made me stop and just listen.

So, in contrast to Aaron's gung-ho approach, I end up being a little bit of a Scrooge. I just think that we should wait until after Halloween at least to start listening to Christmas music. Since we have decorations for Halloween, and they don't really go with our Christmas decorations, I think we should wait until November to decorate as well. And even though Aaron comes up with fantastic gift ideas, sometimes they're just beyond our means.

This is our fifth Christmas together. I think we're finding out happy medium when it comes to this holiday (although I'm not sure how the dynamic will change when BabyMort's here next year). I've accepted that I'll spend 2+ months listening to Christmas music, but we won't spend hours wrapping presents this year. We put our decorations out on the 17th, but Aaron did most of the work and was okay with my less enthusiastic attitude.

For Christmas 2008, I think we've figured out our balance.

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