Tuesday, November 11, 2008

It's been a while...

I've been neglecting my postings on this blog, because I've been busy over on www.mamamort.wordpress.com. In addition, I've been busy sleeping, eating a dozen small meals a day to try to avoid nausea, and thanking my husband for being amazing and supportive. I'm thrilled to report that we're expecting BabyMort in early June, 2009!!

We told our families and close friends shortly after we found out, but there was still the superstitious side of me that wasn't quite ready to put it out on the World Wide Web. After we heard a strong heartbeat today, though, I felt confident in sharing our news with the world!!

To keep up with all things baby-related, head on over to www.mamamort.wordpress.com. I'll still plan on keeping this blog going for anything non-baby, although those topics might be few and far between for a while :-D

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