Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Blame the Dog - for seriously!!

I'm sure I'll be sharing baby poop stories soon. For now, just a dog poop story.

When I let Steve the dog out of his cage on Monday night, he'd left a little 'surprise' for me. I could tell he must have an upset stomach, because it was totally unlike him to go to the bathroom in his cage.

Then all night last night, Tuesday, you could hear his stomach growling and gurgling from across the room so we could tell things still weren't right. We gave him a Pepto Bismol pill and he seemed to quiet down a little.

Tonight, Aaron let him out of his cage. I could hear some cries of disgust coming from their room, so after I let the boys outside, I asked if everything was okay. Aaron said everything was clear, but their room was stink-tastic. We thought one of them must just be gassy, as they often are, which is why we commonly "Blame the Dog." Then Aaron let the dogs in and I almost fell over from the stink. I'll just say 2 things - Steve has longer-ish hair and he must have gone #2 before we left for work today. So...the stink had been literally been hanging around with him all day.

Aaron gave him a bath, was truly grateful that we put in a fancy shower head with a hose, and Steve is no longer stinky. The entire basement still stinks though...hopefully the Febreze Air Freshener kicks in soon!! And I'll love our daughter no matter what, but I hope she's not as stinky as the dogs...

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