Monday, November 28, 2005

Honey and Milk

I am not normally a tea drinker. I much prefer hot chocolate (imagine that, me liking chocolate!!) However, the past few days, I've had a sore throat. I couldn't go see a doctor, because it was during a university break. I have university insurance and can only go to the student health center, often referred to as 'student death.' So, even if I could have gone, I don't know how much help they would have been.

Anyhow, having the wonderful fiance that I do, Aaron did his best to help me feel better. He found the last remaining strawberry flavored cough drops in the house--since I don't like the mentholated ones--and made me as much hot chocolate as I wanted. The hot chocolate just wasn't doing the trick though, so he made me a cup of tea. I wasn't a huge fan, so Aaron suggested that we go to the store and buy a different kind of tea that I might like better. He picked out a chamomille tea and a vanilla caramel tea for me. We tried the chamomille first, with honey and lemon, but I couldn't even drink the whole cup. Next, Aaron made me a cup of the vanilla caramel tea, with honey and milk. It was a huge hit!! I had four cups of tea yesterday, and finished them before they got too cold (which is impressive for me, I rarely do that with hot chocolate even.) Basically, what we discovered is that the key to me liking tea is the honey and milk combo, as that in the chamomille tea was also quite tasty!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I recommend a chocolate tea - Chocolate Cream - available on-line at - although I've never tried it with milk and honey since I'm usually drinking it at work.