Friday, November 18, 2005

I had my first wedding dream!!

It was horrible!! Not the whole idea of the wedding and getting married, I actually remember being very happy right after I came back down the aisle, but then I realized that I had forgotten to plan practically everything!! We didn't have flowers or a limo, I had no idea who was showing up to the wedding and I don't think I even had a dress!! So the dream started out all happylike, but then turned scary, because I'd forgotten to plan so much stuff.

I'm going to attribute the whole thing to the fact that I slept on the wrong side of the bed last night. I wanted to watch TV while we went to sleep, so I thought, 'Hey, we'll just switch sides of the bed. It won't be a big deal.' Man was I wrong!! It probably also has something to do with the fact that I get to go dress shopping tomorrow (which I'm very excited about!!) and I spent last night crafting something wedding related. As weird and unnerving as the dream was at first, I love that I had a wedding dream!! I know, I'm a big nerd...

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