Friday, December 30, 2005

Caramel Corn and Puppy Chow

My mom makes homemade caramel corn from "Chester's Puffcorn" every year around Christmas. The best pieces are the ones that are extra 'buttery' and just seem to melt in your mouth. I always try to figure out which ones will taste like that, based on appearance, but I've never been able to master it, so I just keep eating until I find a good one. Then I think, "Oh, so that's what the good ones look like. I'll just eat one more like that and be done." But the next one is never like that, so I keep eating until I find another good one. This cycle can go on and on and on until I realize I've eaten half the container of caramel corn.

I have the same problem with puppy chow. I always want to end on one that has extra peanut-butter-chocolatey goodness, but have a tough time picking them out. It is a little easier with puppy chow though, because if two pieces are stuck together, it generally means that they have the p-b-c goodness, but they're hard to come by, so I try to find other good pieces.

You might be reading this and thinking, "Uhh, somebody's a little neurotic." I, however, am thinking "How in the world am I going to fit into my wedding dress if I keep eating like this?!?"

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