Saturday, March 25, 2006

Milk-less cereal

I poured myself a bowl of cereal this morning and then went to get the milk, only to realize we didn't have any. So I thought, "Okay, I'll have some yogurt instead." But there were only 2 yogurts left, one was expired and the other was one of Aaron's flavors that I don't like. So what else could I have for breakfast...some toast maybe!! Wait, we'd have to have bread for that. In the end, I ate my bowl of cereal without any milk. I think maybe we should try to make it to the grocery store soon.

The good news is, our dogs should only have to spend a couple hours in their cages today. It seems like all week long we've had so much stuff going on that they've been in their cages for 10-12 hours a day. Currently, they're enjoying rawhide bones and not even fighting about who gets which one. Our puppies are growing up!!

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