Saturday, August 05, 2006

I want a cleaning lady (person)

I'm not talking about someone who comes in a couple times a week, once a week, or even every other week. At most, I want someone to come in once a month and dust, mop the floors, clean the bathroom....all the things we never have/make time for because we're too busy.

I'm allergic to our 2 wonderful cats (they came with the fiance) and often when I clean, I end up getting sick because of all the extra cat hair/dander in the hair. So as a result, I never want to clean anymore because who wants to get sick??

However, I realize it may be impractical to think that we would get a cleaning lady, so I came up with an alternative. If we could get a professional organizer in here (much cheaper I'm sure :-D) and give all of our junk a home, either the trash or some shelf space, then our house would be so pretty that we'd be more motivated to keep it clean.

So...does anyone know an affordable cleaning person or professional organizer??

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